Inspired to Change

20 Reasons Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is Awesome



20 Reasons Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is Awesome


…and this is just SOME of the stuff it can do!

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, SFH for short, is my modality of choice; it is how I treat almost all of my clients and it is what produces tangible and consistent results that last.

Despite having been trained in many different forms of hypnotherapy, even by those considered to be the living legends in their area of expertise, I retrained (went away at weekends all the way to Peterborough for almost a year!!) to become a solution focused hypnotherapist and specialise in this way of treating clients.

Why? Because I believe that therapy should produce results and we should not have to suffer all over again to get them. That and I love the science that underpins the therapy, something which helps my clients to feel safe and comfortable right from the start. 

That’s why I think it is awesome, but here’s 20 more reasons that Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is Awesome

  1. Solution focused hypnotherapy gives you an instruction manual to your brain and teaches you how to use all its amazing features
  2. It enables you get back in control and stay in control, long term
  3. It is enjoyable, relaxing and even fun
  4. It helps you cope better and remain calm, no matter what the situation
  5. With SFH you can let go of the past without having to delve into it
  6. It helps you feel more comfortable and in control, with less medical intervention
  7. People often sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed and energised even when they’ve come to resolve a completely different issue
  8. The only side effects are confidence, positive attitude, enjoying life and happiness
  9. Hypnotherapy is literally a short cut to getting what you want, by using the power of the subconscious mind
  10. It teaches you how to be happy and create happiness in your life and for those you love
  11. It helps you experience less or overcome anxiety, anger and depression
  12. It can help you cope better with pain and heal better and faster
  13. There is no known issue that having a better mindset won’t help
  14. It gets you unstuck so you can come up with new solutions to old problems
  15. If you take medication, it is totally safe to use alongside your meds (no nasty side effects)
  16. You can be better at sport, at work and life (you don’t have to be broken to use hypnotherapy)
  17. Your positivity will rub off on everyone around you and they will start to feel better too
  18. You can practice and perfect your preferred future with your feet up
  19. Phobias can be a thing of the PAST
  20. You can make huge changes or let go of decades old thinking in just weeks
  21. (BONUS) Because scientists say it is!

If you would like to find out more about how hypnotherapy can help you maybe it’s time to book your FREE initial consultation with your local Inspired to Change hypnotherapist. Inspired to Change Hypnotherapists are based across the UK in Peterborough, Northamptonshire, Cambridgeshire, Leicestershire, Devon and Kent.

Inspired to Change Hypnotherapists are all recognised by the National Council for Hypnotherapy, the UK’s leading not-for-profit hypnotherapy professional association.

To find out how you can train as a solution focused hypnotherapist click here for our hypnotherapy school information

About the author: Ali Hollands is a registered, award winning clinical hypnotherapist, working with you to eradicate anxiety and outperform your limits. She is best known for her work as a therapist, leading an enACT masterminding group for small business owners and speaking about how the brain works and how to make it work better.